ok so im pretty sure theres reuploads of my videos, the science teacher and bus driver ones to be exact, those are my original videos on shooshtime that were reuploaded on here by some person who idk why stole my content, but i dont mind as long as theres proper credit. but also im inactive on that account because it was really annoying with how long the videos take to process. but i hope to see you guys here soon! - matthew
2 months faok so im pretty sure theres reuploads of my videos, the science teacher and bus driver ones to be exact, those are my original videos on shooshtime that were reuploaded on here by some person who idk why stole my content, but i dont mind as long as theres proper credit. but also im inactive on that account because it was really annoying with how long the videos take to process. but i hope to see you guys here soon! - matthew